Bespoke and Flexible Postgres Database Administration Services

You don't need a FULL TIME DBA but you do need a DBA that knows your system!

Get in Touch.

When do you really need a DBA?

You need a DBA ay key times in your Project.

  • At the beginning to make sure that you get the design right.

  • When you add new functionality - to make sure you redesign well.

  • When you grow and need to squeeze performance out of your database.

  • And you need someone who knows your system to keep an eye on it, run health checks and make sure no problems are building in the background.

At ElasticDBA, you get the best of both worlds.
The knowledge of your system on hand when you need it, but without having to keep a DBA on Full Time.

Our Services

See below for our core services or get in touch for any bespoke database consulting or help that you need.

Database Design

Just building your product?
Make sure that you design your database well so that when you grow, it doesn't become a huge headache.

Health Checks

Protect your piece of mind with out monthly health check service.
We cover all of the important metrics and problem areas making sure that you know about any problems before they affect your service.

Performance Tuning

Even with optimum design, database performance can start to degrade. Thats when you need an expert to dig deep into your database to identify and fix performance problems - whatever their cause.

Streamline Your Database Administration with ElasticDBA.

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